Company registered office.
Registered company information.

Company Information

Registered Name: I G Jukes & Co Ltd t/as North Warwick Insurance Services
Registered Office: 63 Broad Street, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, B61 8LL
Registered Number: 00785800
Place of Incorporation: England

We always aim to provide a high level of service but should you have cause to complain then please contact:

Helen Lewis
Tel: 01926 493783

We will aim to resolve your complaint as soon as possible, normally within three business days, at which point we will send you confirmation in writing that your complaint has been resolved. On occasions we will require a bit longer to resolve your complaint and in this case we will send you an acknowledgement letter telling you when we hope to reach a decision. We will then continue to keep you updated on our progress.

Once resolution has been agreed we will then write to you with our complaint decision (this is called a final response), it will either be to:

•  Uphold your complaint, telling you why and what action we intend to carry out to put this right for you, or;

•  If we do not uphold your complaint we will explain our reasons for doing so

If at the end of the process you remain dissatisfied, you may contact the Financial Ombudsman Service.

The Financial Ombudsman Service can be reached via or you can write to them at:

The Financial Ombudsman Service,
Exchange Tower,
E14 9SR.

Tel: 0800 023 4567